Meet the students that share their vision on the future role of brands in a changing society.
Anna Decoene
Honestly, my first thought when I hear the term commitment is always: “Sh*t, I’m stuck in this”. But by actively engaging, I'm reminded of the growth that comes from the act of committing. Combine that with passion, and we can grow to unmeasurable greatness.

Babette Veringa
For me, inspiration comes from the people around me. I get excited about the creativity that flows in us and what we do with it. The options we have are endless and so are the outcomes. I'm always thinking about how we can do things differently and what the solution will be. I love creating concepts and getting work done.

Benthe van Assema
Doesn't stop until I complete my tasks. My greatest hobby is to empower you and with my management-oriented outlook, I am creative in finding solutions and keeping an overview.
Caoimhe Lempriere
Commitment is a reflection of your life, the notions that define, direct and dictate your existence. When you commit to something you are deciding something is important and dedicating your time and energy to supporting that idea. There is no commitment without the conviction that you are right in a belief or decision.
Carlotta Ronschke
Commitment is a powerful word and step to take. To me, it is an act that evokes a strong sense of intention and focus. Something that goes beyond being supportive or promising something. I see it as courage to change, to take 100% responsibility, and to be reliable.
Carmen Olivier
Commitment to me is believing that what you dream of is possible. You would work hard to make this belief a reality, learning from your mistakes along the way. people who don't give up on their beliefs, even if it takes them years to prove them, really inspire me.

Chanté Boyce
Commitment to me can be interpreted in many ways. A strong bond you would do anything for not to lose it. A trust or faith. A way of living or an energy that keeps on pulling you back. You would feel an urge to stay devoted to that commitment, otherwise you would feel lost. So, to me commitment means holding on and not letting go.

Daan Westerink
In my eyes, the world is a place of beauty and opportunities. With my vivid imagination, there is nothing I enjoy more then being challenged and inspired by all sorts of contemporary and future-oriented topics. Therefore, my greatest asset is that I am naturally drawn and capable to express my personal and professional viewpoint through fashion, the visual arts, music, and literary pursuits.

Fleur Menting
I’m always interested in what brings people together and connects them. Therefore, commitment for me means an agreement or promise you have towards somebody. Commitment is something that brings people together, it is the psychological bond between community members and their community. Like a promise towards each other that creates a connection.
Johanna Schneider
In an age in which we are overwhelmed with choices and opportunities, commitment means dedication and concentration on the things we truly love. Instead of drowning in the abundance of offered choices, commitment means to make intuitive decisions.

Ketrien Steglich
My definition of commitment is unconditional effort. What inspires me is the love and kindness people are able to give each other.
Luka Binta Tapken
Inspiration to me is cycling through Amsterdam, observing daily life, watching random people, talking to strangers about nothing, and finding the uniqueness in the abundance of sameness.
Melanie van Berkel
I have a passion for telling meaningful stories through words and images. Looking for stories that are waiting to be told and uncovering the magic behind them is what drives me. By doing research and thinking out-of-the-box I aim to reach the full potential of a story. My goal? Challenge people to look at things from a different perspective.
Nina Lippelt
For me, commitment plays a big role in my life. Whether in terms of relationships, culture or education. I will always try to push myself to achieve the best result & keep improving. And the most important: making mistakes and learning from them.
Paddy Reekie
I’m constantly on the lookout to expand my horizons, engaging as often as possible with new people from all walks of life. With an open mind to take on new ideas and beliefs. I have a hardworking and positive attitude. Through my intensive research, I can back up ideas and opinions, with facts. My aim is to challenge people on their beliefs into not having a dogmatic approach. I’m inspired greatly by photography and is one of my great passions. I like to think of myself as an all-rounder, confident going into any situation.

Perla dos Santos
Technological developments always interest me. We can predict what our surroundings will look like, but it is way harder to think of the real outcome. There is no limit to imagining what is possible. That is why I chose the subject AI-Data in Smart Cities. We can learn from the upcoming danger and possibilities that this future city will offer.
Robin van Engelenhoven
Making values visible. I am always driven to transform feeling into images. Whether it’s in my work or my studies, this continues to intrigue me.

Sam van Bilsen
In a world where we feel we constantly have to prove ourselves, I think the commitment to yourself is very important. Also, staying true to your development and trusting the process of becoming a better person, will lead to a better version of yourself.
Sanne Sneijder
Commitment for me means going for something 100% and giving everything, no matter how difficult something sometimes seems or can be. Believing in yourself and in others. Trying to open up on a personal and professional level, show commitment and establish relationships with others. Show that you are willing to want to grow and continue to develop yourself.
Sanneke Mandjes
I get my inspiration from being a listener. Hearing people having a discussion, having deep conversations and listening to podcasts are my favorite ways to come to new insights. I love to step into someone else’s head and try to understand their perspective. Next to that, I love modern art. This is my way of letting my imagination run wild. I want to see and feel an art piece and after that I would read the story from the artist and compare our thoughts.

Zoï Huizing
Commitment is very personal. To be committed toward yourself and what you’re learning. To be consistent, eager to learn, to fall, get up and push yourself toward your goals. My whole life I am committed to know myself, who I am, why things are how they are, why things are happening, and what I can offer the world with a committed vision.